Online Booking for the written test for moped or special small motor vehicle
Written tests for mopeds or special small motor vehicles are available only for people who have booked in advance.
The booking can be made up to the same day of the following month.
Test day
9:00 A.M. to 12:00P.M. The office is closed on Saturday, Sunday and public holidays
Book a test online
(1)Book a test online with your computer or smartphone
Please scan the QR code below with your smartphone
- First, please access 「神奈川県電子申請システム(the “e-kanagawa”)」 website.
- Please enter 「原付 (moped)」in 「手続き名 (name of a procedure)」 and click the search button.
- From the search result, please select the desired procedure along with the date/time.
- *1 You can check the earlier possible date by selecting「受付開始日時昇順( Date and time of acceptance: ascending order)」" from the「並び替え()"Sort ()"」dropdown menu.
- *2 Select 「50件ずつ表示 (50 items at a time)」 from the dropdown menu of 「表示数変更 (Change the number of displays)」 to check all test dates.
- Please click 「利用者登録せずに申し込む方はこちら (apply without member registration)」
- Please agree with the terms of use, then input your email address. Confirmation email with a URL to the registration page will be sent to your email address you entered.
- Please open the URL in the email and fill in the necessary information in the application screen. Please click 「申込む (apply)」, then you will receive a booking completion email with reference number .
- Please be careful not to input wrong information.
- On your test day, you will need to present the booking completion email, which is sent to you a day before the test day. (Either a screen of the email from your device or a printed copy)
- You are not allowed to make multiple bookings. If multiple bookings are found, you will not be able to take the test
(2)For those who do not have a computer, a smartphone, etc., and cannot book the test online.
Please refer to 「予約専用ダイヤルへの電話予約方法について (Booking your test by calling the booking phone number)」below.
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Booking Withdrawal/Cancelation
- Please access the website ”神奈川県電子申請システム” (the “e-kanagawa”) and click “申込内容照会” (Review your application)
- Please input your passcode and the reference number sent by email and click 「照会する(confirm)」
- Please input the reason why you need to withdraw/cancel on the bottom of the screen「取り下げ事由(Reason for withdrawing/canceling)」and please click 「取り下げる (Withdraw/cancel)」.
- Please review the information and please click「取り下げる(Withdraw/cancel)」. That will complete the cancelation.

*The confirmation email is sent to you on the day before the test day. After receiving the confirmation email, you will not be able to cancel your booking. Please make sure to book again after your test day. You do not need to inform us of your cancellation.
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Booking your test by calling the booking phone number
*Booking by phone is available only for those who cannot do it online.
1 Office Hours
Monday - Friday (offices are closed on Saturdays, Sundays, National Holidays, and Year-End and New-Year Holidays)
From 3:00PM. to 5:00PM
2 Phone number for booking
※ There are many misplaced calls. Please be careful not to dial the wrong number.
3 Additional Details
Please choose three potential days before you call. Booking is available up to 4 weeks in advance. There is a limit on the number of people, so we may not be able to meet your request.
When you call, we will ask you the necessary questions in the following order, so please prepare the answers beforehand.
- Whether this is first time or more.
- Whether your driving school is located in Kanagawa Prefecture or outside of the prefecture.
- Potential test dates
- Name
- Phone number
- Test category (regular sized, semi-middle, motorcycle etc.)
- Application number if you have an application form (those who receive the form from a driving school in Kanagawa Prefecture.)
Graduation Certificate number if you do not have the application form.
Driving Inspection Certificate number if you pass the practical driving test.
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- (1)We will tell the booking number and reception hours to those who completed the booking by phone. Please make sure to fill out the graduation certificate and the driving license application and present them at the reception desk.
- (2)You are not allowed to make multiple bookings. If multiple bookings are found, you will not be able to take the test. We ask for your cooperation to keep the booking procedure smooth.
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- Inquiry about the booking
Kanagawa Prefectural Police Headquarters Traffic Bureau, Driver License
Headquarters, License Department, The First Test Division
(From 8:30 AM. to 5:15 PM. on weekdays. The office is closed on Saturday, Sunday and public holidays.) - Inquiry about system operation or problems
e-kanagawa call center
Landline : 0120-464-119(free of charge)
Cell-phone: 0570-041-001(you will be charged)
(From 9:00 AM. to 5:00 PM. on weekdays. The office is closed on Saturday, Sunday and public holidays.)
Driver’s License Division, Driver’s License Headquarters, Traffic Department,
Kanagawa Prefectural Police Headquarters
Tel. 045-365-3111 (Pilot Number)